Hey all, so here's my introduction. I'm 45, my wife is 39. We've been together for a decade. We have had poly ideas intertwined throughout our relationship, but have only started really being honest about that the past few years. Now we are in this transition phase, or potentially, anyway, and finding a lot of questions.
We recently finished a great book called Polyamory: A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists (and Their Clients) and it has helped so much. But there are some things we still are struggling to grasp. We have a great relationship in all aspects, but I spend most of my days alone on a ranch in the middle of nowhere, and she spends most of her days in the city and making the commute. It hasn't always been this way, and we plan on it not always being this way, but for now, this is life.
Personally, I am extremely attracted to the right type of mind. I love intellect. I love literature and my hobby is most definitely writing. I will happily share, if asked.
We run a small local animal rescue as well as raise our own livestock and pets. A lot going on here. This is where I am 99% of the time. I leave for maybe a few hours a week to run to town, if at all.
My wife is an amazing woman and partner, she is also my Kitten. My wife has a large online presence and following and much of our sex life is already public in other forums.
Thank you all for reading. If you'd like to talk more, about anything, please reach out.

We recently finished a great book called Polyamory: A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists (and Their Clients) and it has helped so much. But there are some things we still are struggling to grasp. We have a great relationship in all aspects, but I spend most of my days alone on a ranch in the middle of nowhere, and she spends most of her days in the city and making the commute. It hasn't always been this way, and we plan on it not always being this way, but for now, this is life.
Personally, I am extremely attracted to the right type of mind. I love intellect. I love literature and my hobby is most definitely writing. I will happily share, if asked.
We run a small local animal rescue as well as raise our own livestock and pets. A lot going on here. This is where I am 99% of the time. I leave for maybe a few hours a week to run to town, if at all.
My wife is an amazing woman and partner, she is also my Kitten. My wife has a large online presence and following and much of our sex life is already public in other forums.
Thank you all for reading. If you'd like to talk more, about anything, please reach out.