Hi All,
I was looking through some historical threads for off-forum links and found that there were often broken links or ugly, old-fashioned webpages that we just don't link to very much anymore. Let's curate here some of the most common ones that get linked specifically on Poly Relationships Corner and pin it.
Feel free to add to this thread.
Web articles:
*Note: none of these links are affiliate marketing links; we don't do that here*
I was looking through some historical threads for off-forum links and found that there were often broken links or ugly, old-fashioned webpages that we just don't link to very much anymore. Let's curate here some of the most common ones that get linked specifically on Poly Relationships Corner and pin it.
Feel free to add to this thread.
Web articles:
- Regaining a sense of autonomy before dating someone new, while still partnered: https://medium.com/@PolyamorySchool/the-most-skipped-step-when-opening-a-relationship-f1f67abbbd49
- When your partner finds someone new and so much of their attention is on that person: https://www.kathylabriola.com/articles/are-you-in-poly-hell
- Exploring various relationship shapes: https://polypridesite.wordpress.com/2016/03/12/poly-relationship-shapes/
- Triad or Vee: https://www.readyforpolyamory.com/post/triad-or-v-what-s-more-complicated
- Looking for your "third": https://davidlnoble.livejournal.com/176039.html
- Deciding if you still want to be in the relationship: https://www.scarleteen.com/article/relationships/should_i_stay_or_should_i_go
- Markers of healthy relationships: https://rhntc.org/sites/default/files/resources/fpntc_hlthy_rlshp_wheel_2019-03-01.pdf
- Upskilling for therapists new to polyamory: https://www.communitysolutionsva.or..._Professionals_Should_Know_About_Polymory.pdf
- Poly friendly Therapy Professionals: https://www.polyfriendly.org/
- Relationship rights as a secondary partner: https://www.morethantwo.com/polyforsecondaries.html#bor
- "Sex at Dawn: how we mate, why we stray, and what it means for modern relationships," by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá.
- "Opening Up: a guide to creating and sustaining open relationships," by Tristan Taormino.
- "The Jealousy Workbook: Exercises and insights for managing open relationships," by Kathy Labriola
- "Polysecure: Attachment, trauma and consensual nonmonogamy," by Jessica Fern
- "The Ethical Slut, Third Edition: A practical guide to polyamory, open relationships, and other freedoms in sex and love," by Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton
- Resources on non-violent communication https://www.nonviolentcommunication.com/shop/
- "Designer Relationships" by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson.
*Note: none of these links are affiliate marketing links; we don't do that here*
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