Sex discussion ahead.
So. She basically crossed one of my boundaries and I'm quite upset about it. It's not a dealbreaker for me. I don't want to break up with her. I don't think it's the end of the world.
(This is quite an achievement, considering my BPD tendencies. lmao A few years ago I'd be having a major breakdown. I'm just having a small one. lol I bought some cigarettes for the first time in months, which I'm not proud of, but it's better than other forms of self-harm I've partaken of in the past.)
But I do consider it a major breach of trust, and I don't know how it can be repaired. I am trying to be compassionate with myself and with her. I believe this is a one-off, a huge and hurtful mistake, but not symptomatic and part of a pattern, since she has always been very respectful of me during the past 7-8 years. But I am feeling angry, hurt, used, ashamed, and also a bit disgusted. I only slept 4 hours last night, so forgive me if I am not too eloquent or ramble a bit.
As I mentioned in another post, I established a boundary: I will not have oral or penetrative sex with Alicia until she gets tested for STIs four months after having sex with Jess for the first time. Jess has other sexual partners, and Alicia told me that although they would use condoms for penetrative sex, they would not for oral sex. It may seem like overkill to some, but I value my sexual health and am a regular blood donor, and STIs like chlamydia or gonorrhea can take around four months to show up on screens. And so, before she left to visit her, I communicated this boundary to her, willingly "sacrificing" an important part of our sex life until June because we'd been having sex for years and they've only just started, and I'm not going to die from just doing hand stuff for a while.
Since Alicia came back from visiting Jess, we've fooled around (sounds so juvenile, lol), and had sex in ways other than oral or penetrative. As I said, we never actually spoke about whether they'd had sex or not, but I assumed that they did, more so when I saw we were sticking to these forms of sexual contact.
However, two nights ago, we were in bed and things started getting hot and heavy, and long story short, Alicia tried to penetrate me (with no condom, I might add). I was like, "Whoa-- what's happening?" and physically stopped her, asking "Wait-- is this okay?" (by which I meant, "So have you guys not had sex? What's going on?"), to which she replied "It's okay. Jess got tested." And for a minute I was like, "Oh, okay," and actively engaged, but then she stopped because it wasn't working out. (TMI, for all of this, I guess. But basically our genitals were not collaborating.)
While she lay next to me, I suddenly processed everything that had just happened and I was like, "Excuse me, what the fuck just happened?"
As I described out loud what had happened and what I was feeling, she too realised what she'd done: First of all, this was not my boundary. I could care less that Jess got tested, and EVEN if she has, it doesn't even matter, because it hadn't been a full four months since she'd had sex with another person, which isn't even the fucking point, because that was NOT my boundary.
You cannot get to unilaterally change MY fucking boundary just because you're horny and want to stick your dick in me, and only mention it because I ASKED you, alarmed, because this is NOT what we had agreed to. Plus, you literally fucking imply that you fucked someone else (which I already knew, but was trying to process in my own time) as you're attempting to penetrate me.
Man, it's just so disgusting to type out, not because it's disgusting to have sex with other people, or because I find the idea of them having sex morally wrong or repulsive or anything, but because what the fuck? Time and place? I feel angry, sad, disgusted, used, betrayed, disrespected and disappointed.
She apologised profusely. I don't know how to interact with her at the moment. I don't know what I need or want in order for this to be repaired. I don't know how it can be repaired, apart from her apologising and just giving me time.
She's giving me space and time. She's asking me what I need. She's apologised. She said this is the worst thing she's ever done to me, but she's not, like, grovelling in her own guilt and making it about her or anything, although I know she feels terrible. I just don't know what to do, to be quite honest.
Last night (so the following night after this happened) I couldn't sleep. At 3 or 4 am she woke up to go to the bathroom and saw that I was awake. She asked if she could help me, and I was like, "Look, I don't want us to just go over and over this, but I need to know WHY this happened. What was going through your mind? Did you even think about this? Why or when did you decide that my boundaries, my bodily autonomy, and my decisions didn't matter? Did you decide this beforehand, or was it just because you 'forgot,' in a horny haze?"
She said it was a bit of both, that Jess had told her (after the visit) that she'd got tested, and she (Alicia) sort of thought, "Oh well, it's okay, then." (But that she knows it was wrong and that she fucked up.) And I was like, "Okay, so you were just being selfish."
And yeah. I dunno, man. Maybe it's not that big of a deal, or maybe it's a massive deal. I don't really know what to do, other than feel all these things that I'm feeling.
Coincidentally, Jess is here for the weekend. She booked a hotel and Alicia is staying with her for two nights. Honestly, I think it will do me well, because I don't really know how to interact with her at the moment. I've hugged her and we're still sleeping in the same bed and everything, and I'm not interested in stuff like being punitive and making her suffer, or giving her the silent treatment, or shit like that (stuff I would've done in the past, oops.) I'm mostly just angry and disappointed and... idk.
This is mostly a vent, but compassionate advice or feedback is welcome, I guess? This is not necessarily a poly thing, I know. It's her being selfish and disrespectful. But I think it has to do with the fact that she'd never slept with anyone else before, which is not an excuse but... idk.
Eurghh! Thanks for reading thus far, if you have!