The Atlantic Ocean


Well-known member
I've long said I'd never consider any sort of long distance romantic relationship, not even with anyone several counties away, but now I'm in love with a woman who lives in Germany (and I live in New Mexico, USA). We've never met face-to-face, but have mostly just exchanged a lot of words, mostly in text form. We're both "word people," and we have discovered a great depth of intimacy using words between us. We've been talking this way pretty much every day, in conversational form -- though mostly text -- live. (We're both touch typists, so can basically hold a conversation in real time typing.)

Our communication is simply amazing, deeply intimate, profound. We've developed immense loving trust between us, immense mutual kindness and care. Tons of deep affection and appreciation of one another. We are deeply in love -- even though we've never been in the same county, or within a thousand miles of one another.

I've never had a real girlfriend before. I've had penetrative sex with a woman only once -- with a casual friend who offered. But I wasn't in love with her. And I had a sort-of girlfriend for a few weeks about thirty years ago. She and I did a lot of sloppy wet kissing and naked cuddling and stuff, but I never penetrated her because my HIV status needed to be determined first. And then she broke it off before I could get around to that.

I'm fully bisexual and romantically attracted to people of either sex as well. About equal attraction -- but far less than equal experience. In lots of ways I'm a virgin when it comes to women. And most of my adult life I've been in relationships with men -- two men, mostly. The current relationship with a man has been nearly thirty years in duration.

Although A and I have never met face-to-face, we've come to regard ours as a boyfriend-girlfriend situation, acknowledging that we deeply love one another. I know this sounds preposterous, but -- like I said -- she and I can do a lot with language. We are "word people'.

A is planning to cross the Atlantic to visit with me for a bit soon-ish.

Yesterday, A said to me, "I'm afraid that when I come to visit with you I'll not want to return to Germany." She said that she'd never want to leave her family and friends behind.

Crossing the Atlantic is very time consuming and very expensive (on budgets like ours). It's no small thing! Doing it often isn't really practical. It's also anathema to she and I, on account of the carbon budget / climate situation. We're both very "green" (ecological ethos) oriented. In fact we met on a green oriented internet forum.

We are both experiencing profound longing to touch one another and to (probably) make love.
So I'm writing here now to ask if anyone here possesses a teleportation device such as we see on Star Trek.
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Sorry no teleportation device. Been a while River ;)

If I had a teleportation device I might have been open to an LDR long ago. They are a struggle for me. Touch is so absolutely important to my connection.

So sending along supportive vibes.
Hi Ariakas. Nice to see you again!

Touch is hugely important to both myself and my new girlfriend, too. It's now pretty difficult to have a whole ocean between us! In time we may have to figure out a plan so that we can be together physically a LOT more than we have been! Ideally, if all goes as expected and hoped, we'll spend at least several to many months together upon a "visit".

Thanks for the supportive vibes! I can feel them.
Hi Ariakas. Nice to see you again!

Touch is hugely important to both myself and my new girlfriend, too. It's now pretty difficult to have a whole ocean between us! In time we may have to figure out a plan so that we can be together physically a LOT more than we have been! Ideally, if all goes as expected and hoped, we'll spend at least several to many months together upon a "visit".

Thanks for the supportive vibes! I can feel them.
I found it helped a bit, with the newer remote tactile toys.

Otherwise, not much help there. When my physical connection diminishes, everything else kind of slows or drops. Good luck and hopefully you can find lots of cheap flights :D
Hi River! Glad to see you pop up again 😊

I so feel this as I have to cross the Pacific to visit Puck. It's brutal and with the COVID delays and financial stretch that it is, I've only been there once in 5 years. He's yet to come back, so I understand her fears, too.

If I had one super power it would be teleportation!

I have everything crossed for you that you get to spend a lot more in person time than Puck and I ever have!! We tried to make plans like having the return tickets booked before the end of the "current" trip, but that's not worked out yet. But perhaps you are at a different stage of life than I am and have a little more disposable income.

I truly wish you all the best with this relationship.
"If I had one super power it would be teleportation!"

Deep empathy and sympathy there!
I have a girlfriend in England (I am in New Mexico), we'll probably never meet in person due to the expense. Long-distance relationships are really hard. My wife and I had a Michigan/Utah LDR for a few months while we were engaged. Those were hard months to get through.
I have a girlfriend in England (I am in New Mexico), we'll probably never meet in person due to the expense. Long-distance relationships are really hard. My wife and I had a Michigan/Utah LDR for a few months while we were engaged. Those were hard months to get through.


You're in Albuquerque, correct? I'm in Santa Fe, just a little North. Perhaps one day we can have tea or coffee in ABQ?

How long have you had a g.f. in England? What's it been like for you, in greater detail..., if that's okay to ask.
There's not much to tell, the NRE has already died down. The relationship started maybe six months ago. Yeah I'm in Albuquerque, we'll have to meet up sometime.