I read a thread today
And how I was doing after reading could be described as sorrowful to the point of tears, regretful and ashamed. The topic and situation did not resemble ours, other than
that love thing. But what it did manage to do was to put myself in my wife's shoes and not focus on myself (for a change).
As I've mentioned, I have tried to be supportive of my wife's relationship, despite my unenlightened perspective towards a poly ls. But reading it illustrated the ways in which I've clung to my insecurities, and nipped and dragged at her, not allowing her to fully enjoy
the amazing feelings that have blossomed in her heart. When I told her, she dismissed it saying I've great been all along, but that's just her sweet and caring nature.
But I could have been so much better.
For the evening, we had a family outing planned to see Ender's Game, a book my 15 year old sons have read and wanted to see. She had mentioned this to K during their time spent together that afternoon, and he expressed interest in seeing it, he's a big sci fi fan, also having read it. Initially I was not crazy about him being included in our dedicated family time, but rather than object, I suggested she mention it to the boys and gauge their reaction. "We like K, sure we should bring him".
There he was, waiting at the cinema doors for us, and a loving lovely warm hug from Dahlia he received. I felt instantly better knowing we'd chosen to include him with our family.
And the movie was pretty good too.