The "How Are You Doing" Thread (redux)

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While I'm here. I'm doing good just now. I'm starting to write a bit again (after a break because of dealing with grief this year), have taught myself to knit socks and have lots of interesting stuff going on in both my paid work and the voluntary stuff I do. (Paid work also has lots of annoyances but hoping it will settle soon).

Relationships with friends and with SO all going well too.

C is healthy and well and seems happy with his life. :)
Not sure how I should feel right now. Like a lot of people have a lot of day to day BS going on between bills and employment.

But I'm set up to go back to school starting in the spring semester. Going for my AAS in Automotive Technology, and thinking about getting a degree in business management while I am at it, or at least take some of the courses so when I get to open my own shop I know how to run the business side of it.
N met someone new, they are going on a date Monday, she's pretty cool. she joined our D&D group that a friend hosts. Im pretty excited for N to have met someone that he can connect to on a level that neither J or I provide.

I just registered for spring classes. Going to take 5 classes, 4 of which are mon and wed. the 5th class will be on saturday. we are gearing up for our week long trip to chicago and I have so much to do for school by next monday!
Thus week started off pretty craptastic.

Had to euthanize our 11 yo Scottish terrier. He had a massive stroke early this AM.

The tears come and go in waves.
Scared and worried right now. Wendigo hurt himself pretty badly at work today - got his hand caught in one of the machines. Runic Wolf helped keep him from going into shock and made sure that he found out where the EMT's were taking him so that we could let Pretty Lady know, but I had to call her since Runic Wolf didn't have the number, which meant I got to get a call at work that my boyfriend got his hand mangled in a machine. Thankfully there was some good news in that he didn't lost any fingers, had good circulation, and could feel and move his fingers when the EMT's arrived. Right now we could use all the prayers and healing thoughts people can muster. Not being his wife, there isn't a lot I can do, so I'm sitting here at home while Runic Wolf is out doing our Christmas Shopping.

On a personal note, I found out on Friday that I need to have my terminal ileum and part of my colon removed due to intensive scar tissue in my intestines. . . apparently I have Crohn's and didn't know it. My surgery is the end of next month, so Runic Wolf, Wendigo, and Runic Wolf's new girlfriend and I were supposed to be getting together to hang out this weekend since that will be the second operation I have scheduled next month. Merry Christmas to us.
Nothing dramatic like BrigidsDaughter...hope everyone heals up. wow.

Tonight, I am satisfied and happy.

I have to have a minor surgical procedure tomorrow (which I have had's really not a big deal - some discomfort and a day off of work).

MrS will take me. Dude and Lotus have expressed their concern and support. I feel loved and cherished and "taken care of". Right now, I am feeling that everyone in our tangle just wants everyone else to be happy...and I am. Warm. Comfortable. Lovely.

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Wendigo got home from the hospital around 11:30 last night and called me to let me know he was home. He has extensive tissue damage to the back of his hand, but all his fingers and bones are intact. He may have some tendon damage, but he doesn't think so. (Says the man doped up on pain killers who thought he could go to work on Friday). He's seeing a hand specialist next week.

Runic Wolf and I are feeling drained tonight and he's off in his office being anti social. I'm just glad that it wasn't as bad as it could have been, that Wendigo still has his job, and that the bosses are letting him file for Worker's Comp because it looks like the accident was his fault. Wendigo and Runic Wolf work for some awesome people who take good care of them.
Lots happening right now, I managed to fall and bang myself up pretty well, our GP didn't want to touch it, and sent me to a specialist, I'm not allowed to walk anymore then I have to, so I'm using a wheelchair for the next 12 weeks or so. I'm getting a real education into what Jo faces on a daily basis (she's in a power chair). :rolleyes:
Feeling pretty darn good!

My immediate boss gave me some Christmas gifts yesterday - a personal one from her, and an "official" holiday gift from the owner of the business. From the owner, I received a $500 bonus! I didn't even know she gave bonuses at this time of year, since I was still new at Christmastime last year (so did not get one), and it is not a very common practice at all in this type of job. I was told that business has not been as good as they had hoped (I already knew that profits were down from last year), and some employees did not get bonuses this time around, but they wanted to show me their appreciation. Along with that, I received an invitation to select anything I want from what we sell, and she wrote some very nice things in the card that accompanied it.

I feel quite valued and acknowledged by what the owner wrote in my card. I sent her a "Thank you" text after I left work and she texted me back with "You deserve it!" Gosh! The owner and the manager (my boss) have both been reassuring me that I'm doing a great job in my current position as an assistant manager.

I was promoted back in October and had a rocky start getting comfortable managing my co-workers (still not totally there yet). A few times I had burst into tears (while at work, ugh!) from the stress of trying to juggle the many obligations I now have, and I had a few tense conversations with both of my superiors. But they decided to take back some of my responsibilities until I am more comfortable and proficient with other tasks, rather than see me drown under it all - and that helped. There are a lot of details to manage and they both tend to be very particular that things are done to the letter, but some of the procedural stuff does not align with my own brand of logic, so there is a learning curve for me. After the new year, they will give me back those responsibilities they took away, so I go in with the attitude that it is my own business and my baby to care for.

I have just been trying to do the best I can. I also worked a few extra days and been doing tasks for them in my off-work hours because they needed help. I know they genuinely appreciate my willingness to go an extra mile. Yesterday was my 10th day in a row without a day off, and some of those days I could only take a short break to wolf something down for lunch and then run back to work. I don't mind doing that, because... well, it needed to be done and if I didn't, some things would've turned out a mess. After having been unemployed for a long time, and getting by with freelance work which I enjoyed but that didn't always add up to enough to pay my bills, it feels really good to have finally found a job I actually like, where I am not only paid a decent wage but also feel appreciated in a very real and human way.

Anyway, the Christmas presents my immediate boss gave me were very thoughtful -- a very nice journal and a gift certificate to a store that I've always wanted to shop. She threw in a few fun novelty gifts that humorously acknowledge how I've struggled a bit as a manager - candies in colorful wrappers with funny sayings and images from the 50s and 60s. One has a picture of a secretary and it says, "I need more money and power - and less shit from you people." Hahahaha!

Afterward, I took myself out to dinner in a casual but sort of swanky cafe, had a few drinks, and came home. Fell asleep with a contented, full belly, and woke up early this morning feeling grateful. Merry Christmas indeed!

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I'm cautiously optimistic.

To be honest, I've felt a bit lonely the last few weeks, with the holidays and being 5000 miles away from my family. My job, being seasonal, is winding down too, so i also have to find another one.

But i got a wad of cash in an envelope for an xmas bonus, and hopefully made my first poly friend. So it's swings and roundabouts really.
Life is wife gave birth to my beautiful baby boy. 6 and a half pounds 22inchs and healthy and strong.. :)

This new addition to our extended family is amazing, we are just waiting on his maternal twin to pop out in two months :D
Life is wife gave birth to my beautiful baby boy. 6 and a half pounds 22inchs and healthy and strong.. :)

This new addition to our extended family is amazing, we are just waiting on his maternal twin to pop out in two months :D
I'm feeling really satisfied and stable. Dude has been seeing Lotus for 3-4 months now and, while there have been some bumps, it has gone much smoother than I could have hoped.

She was down for the weekend and we had a "Girls Day" like we have been talking about for a while. We went and had our nails done (MrS thinks painted toe-nails are sexy!). Shopped a little (she wants to teach me to walk in heels and I had a used furniture store that I wanted to show her) and then a leisurely early dinner. Came home to happy boys and Dude and I waxed her ... and then she and I waxed his back! :eek:
School started again. I took advantage of the inclemental weather during winter break and worked as ton of OT. i haven't been dating but my friend D from school is now in a relationship with J. I know she's been wanting more involvement from a partner than she gets with N. Hopefully she and D workout I know how hard meeting a single guy who is down with poly is.
Last month I had to go for LEEP - MrS went with me.

Tuesday I had to go for a diagnostic mammo/usn for a lump that Dude found in my right breast. Lotus went with me.

The beauty of poly...any of the three would have accompanied me to either procedure. They ALL offered.

Both results were fine. The fact that I had three people willing to go through the process with me...priceless.

I feel soooo loved, sooooo cared for.

I know that if either procedure had required follow-up treatment I would have had the support of all three. (And all three would have supported each other in their concern for me....:))

I feel so cherished...and know that my SOs have the support that they would need should something have required their concern.
Last month I had to go for LEEP - MrS went with me.

Tuesday I had to go for a diagnostic mammo/usn for a lump that Dude found in my right breast. Lotus went with me.

The beauty of poly...any of the three would have accompanied me to either procedure. They ALL offered.

Both results were fine. The fact that I had three people willing to go through the process with me...priceless.

I feel soooo loved, sooooo cared for.

I know that if either procedure had required follow-up treatment I would have had the support of all three. (And all three would have supported each other in their concern for me....:))

I feel so cherished...and know that my SOs have the support that they would need should something have required their concern.
Dipping my toe back into OKCupid

I had my OKC account disabled for quite a long time - not sure but it was at least six months, probably longer. Turned it back on, noticed the site's changes, and poked around a bit. For someone who lives in a big city, it seems like pretty slim pickins' here. I get a lot of results when I do a search, but wind up Hiding most of them without even visiting their profiles. I just want not to see them pop up in searches anymore - I hate to admit it but there are a lot of ugly people in NYC. Either that, or their pictures turn me off for other reasons. I especially love the guys who are definitely in their 70s claiming to be in their 50s, as if we can't tell. Ugh. Then I search for poly and variations on that word, non-monogamy, etc. and get maybe two or three people. A few searches, with minor changes to distance and "last logged in," came up with no one! Not a one.

Then the Inbox starts lighting up. Jeeee-zus! What losers with their lame, "hi how r u 2nite?" "nice smile" and "What's up sweetheart?" That is the full contents of three messages I received from guys who were like 20% to 30% matches. Have all the intelligent men fled the site? And what's with all the guys who look like gangsters?

So, I realize, turning my profile back on means I now have the equivalent of a second job, if I want anything to come out of it. Lots of work to do... so I start digging, reading, checking out their answers to questions I deem important, and so on. I wrote to three guys I thought seem interesting, smart, and witty. Oh, and good-looking, too. Two did not answer.

But one did. He actually is smart, funny, and interesting, and a 99% match. Oh, and good-looking, too. Sent me a link to a delightfully entertaining YouTube video that had me laughing and smiling for a good long time after watching it. And he's curious about stuff in my profile - which means, folks, that... ta-da, he read it - yay! Milestone! Very promising. I guess we'll see... so far, I likey.

So, I'm feeling a wee bit hopeful - but it's rough out there, people. Really rough. I'd forgotten! Maybe I need a strategy. Suggestions welcome!
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Absolutely DESTROYED my lower back over the past few days, to the point where I went home sick yesterday due to another creeping crud I caught, and spent the day in bed with pillows up under my knees. Feeling so much like an old gimpy woman right now, and it's driving me bananas.

Driving aggravates it, which doesn't help when I feel good enough to work, but don't know if I'll be able to get myself out of my car when I get there.

Oh, and more snow tonight. Wheee... At least P will be here, since I think shoveling is right out for me at the moment. :p

On a related note, I think I overdosed on episodes of "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" while I was in bed.

Okay, hack, cough, wheeze, ow. Time to get going to work. Maybe
Been busy as heck. Newborn is keeping me hopping.. haven't had time for very much. This is my first day back to work since he has been born. Should be interestingly distracting haha
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