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  • oh and I totally don't remember the handle, so couldn't even tell you if I wanted to.. it was... shockingly.. polysomething??.. hahaha
    Re: "Sorry just had to say hi, I thought I recognized the handle from Poly Percs. I realize you have been here a while but it is good to see a face from that forum. I quite enjoyed a lot of how it was formatted, it just wasn't a busy enough site to keep me occupied."

    Heh but Polyamory.com's busy enough, isn't it.

    I'm also glad to see a familiar face (though I'm pretty bad at names and I fear you recognized my handle before I did likewise. :eek:)
    Sorry just had to say hi, I thought I recognized the handle from poly percs. I realize you have been here a while but it is good to see a face from that forum. I quite enjoyed a lot of how it was formatted, it just wasn't a busy enough site to keep me occupied.

    Hey Al,

    Re: "Kevin,
    Alan M. here, a Poly Percs original from way back.
    The Polyamorous Percolations site has been down for days. I get a notice that the domain name expired on Dec. 3. I tried to alert Fire God, but the only contact I have for him is his polyamoryonline address, and that bounced.
    Since you have been so active there, maybe you can find him and get the site restarted? Or if not, re-register it yourelf and make it yours?"

    Alas, I'm equally in the dark, no computer expert and broke besides. I've attempted to email Fire God (thru his Percs addy), but obviously to no avail. I've heard from a few other members who noticed the site was gone, so it's definitely not just any one person's PC that's at issue. I hope Fire God is aware of the problem and will fix it in short order.

    Alan M. here, a Poly Percs original from way back.

    The Polyamorous Percolations site has been down for days. I get a notice that the domain name expired on Dec. 3. I tried to alert Firegod, but the only contact I have for him is his polyamoryonline address, and that bounced.

    Since you have been so active there, maybe you can find him and get the site restarted? Or if not, re-register it yourelf and make it yours?

    Alan M.
    Polyamory in the News
    alan7388 AT gmail.com
    @ Ladylouise ... re: "Hi, I can't figure out how to private message you, can you PM me instead, then I can just reply to you."

    Of course. In the upper right-hand corner of the page here should be a link to your Private Messages. I have sent one your way, and if you look at it, you'll see at the end of it a space for you to type a reply, as well as a Submit Message button to send it.

    Alternatively, you can use the following link:


    ... which will basically do the same thing (but without the text of the message I'd sent to you -- which doesn't matter because there wasn't much text there to speak of).

    Let me know if you hit any roadblocks or have further questions.

    Hello Kevin, It's nice to see someone we recognise, btw whatever happened to the percs group? Happy Holidays to you and yours. Hugs
    Re: Believing stuff for the benefits.

    Yeah, I've heard this philosophy and to an extent it's not total crap (IMHO) just mostly crap. Perhaps I'm no different in believing what I believe for the benefits. In my case I believe that the pursuit of truth and reason coincide with the pursuit of happiness (or something - it's too late to be making too much sense but you get the gist).

    Re: Kids in unconventional families. My thoughts are that one factor that could potentially have adverse consequences is how the rest of society regard and react to it. For instance, there may be nothing wrong whatsoever with a gay couple raising children but if they are shunned by society, their children may grow up with misdirected resentment. I'm no expert though.
    Ah, well kids are another matter altogether. I wonder though if polyamory is potentially a very good thing for child development. There are obvious concerns but I think the more we develop socially and individually, the more the pro's will swell and the con's shrivel up and fizzle out. Perhaps that's unrealistic optimism, perhaps not.

    Re: My boss. He was what he was for the same reason any of us are what we are (but I believe I've mentioned my dubiosity over the concept of 'free will'). I've known a few people who've done themselves in. The most upsetting thing is that we're so sluggish in making things better for ourselves as a whole. The haves are uninclined and irresponsible and the have nots despondent and lethargic.

    Well, I seem to be listening to 'A Change is Gonna Come' so I'll take that as a sign (despite a complete lack of the necessary superstitious tendency).

    Laters ;)
    4-5 month sunny season!? OK, we're lucky if we get 4-5 consecutive days of sun in a year! :D

    Yeah, I've lived and worked alongside British 'white trash'. They tend to be more racist/religious/homophobic and everything else that comes as a result of social neglect.
    My old boss told me once that if he found out one of his daughters was in a relationship with another girl or a black person he'd disown them. Aside from that and a drink problem he was a pretty decent guy. He hung himself last year incidentally.

    'Right to privelage'? how so?

    I was just reading your bit about 'unicorn hunters'. My partner is sat next to me. She starts giggling. Apparently, I have an angry face on but I'm nodding in agreement. :S

    Right, bed time for me. Laters!
    Unicorns huh? Well quite often things need to progress at a rate relative to other things (IMHO) and I think this is one of those situations. Society as a whole needs to pick up where feminism seems to have trailed off (at least in the western world) and ensure that power inbalances don't allow a return of patriarchal systems.
    Mf, mff, mfffffff - it's all good by me as long as it doesn't lead to the opression of women or of m's who like a few more m's in the mix for that matter. I imagine a lot of these guys are all wrapped up in showing the world what a alpha male they are but we can't tar them all with the same brush. huh?

    Right, scuse me if that's all babble. I gotta go!

    Take it easy ;)
    My partner is on minimum wage and I don't earn a whole lot more so what we can afford is pretty limited. If we're lucky we might get a good deal but generally what's going for what we can afford looks like the last person to live there didn't live anywhere else.
    One of the main issues is that she needs somewhere close enough to a bus stop that'll take her into town. Britain has allowed a vast influx of imigrants from all manner of fucked up countries so they can get away with poor wages at bottom rung jobs. The packhouse (the other half of the building where I work) looks like a sweat shop. You'll be hard pushed to find someone who isn't Nepalese or from the Eastern Block.

    Anyway... I'll stop there before I get in a full rant. :)
    You've really gotta go some if you want to offend me. Dishonesty and arrogance are the biggest dealbreakers for me, and those traits I imagine to be as alien to you as honesty and humility are to the Vatican.

    Re: Drizzle; I'm not sure why one would opt for drizzle but I do think that wherever you are, it's the people that will make it worth living in or not.

    Soundgarden are from Seattle I think...
    Hahaha! You? Hateful!? I can honestly say you seem to be one of the most patient and amicable people I've ever come across. If anything, that is your flaw. Although I see value in talking to people who seem unlikely to benefit from debate, I don't think it's generally worth the time and effort. Perhaps that sounds cold and uncaring but there are only so many seconds in a lifetime and talking to deaf ears can be draining to boot. You can't help everyone.

    So what's in Seattle that's coaxed you in?

    My partner and I are getting kicked out on the street soon because our old landlady died and her daughter's decided to sell the place despite assurances to the contrary not a year ago. We'll be OK though (somehow).

    Dirtclustit mentioned people who are unaware of their hate. I believe that's called projection.

    Good luck with the move!
    My ears are burning :D

    I have no inclination to respond to messages by hateful people. I am however, mildly interested to know what led Dirtclustit to the conclusion that I have multiple profiles. I rarely make time for this one.
    Oh well. How are things? It's been a while.
    I was called a racist the other day because I have a problem with Catholisism. Go figure.
    I find it particularly upsetting that religious or not, most people don't seem to give a shit about anything and the non-religious seem to be among the worst (at least on the face of it).
    I'm not supposed to discuss things like this at work of course. It's not the right time or place apparently. I often wonder when and where is. We have a sweep it under the carpet culture and we tell ourselves that multi-culturalism is working.
    Rant over. Hope you're well. Catch you later. ;)

    PS. Scuse the rushed and ranty msg :D
    I don't think the question of whether religion should be preached in schools or whether church and state should be separate is complex.
    I fear we Brits as with most things will follow the US trend in piety and conservatism. There are very few British born people at my work. Mostly they're Nepalese (generally Hindhu) Polish, Lithuanian, Russian (Catholic) and people from various shitholes in Africa (Muslim/Catholic). Loads of Indian and Pakistanis and a fair few Portuguese too (the only one I asked is a Jehovas witness).
    If I'm starting to sound like a racist, I'm hugely in favour of ethnic diversity and integration but I think you know that's not the issue with me.
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