Well-known member
I don’t feel so good today. I was up but then fell back asleep until 10 am. I spoke to a couple of friends over text and I’m now hosting a board game tomorrow (yay!) so that is nice. I haven’t heard from LittleMichigan yet though she told me yesterday she’d come by today for Mother’s Day.
I feel woozy. I finally hole-punched the completed Health Care Proxy & Advanced Directives for all 3 of us, and they’re now in our individual “Get it Together” binders. I also had DarkKnight fax over my name change to my insurance company. I have the change of beneficiary form complete but I want to get the name change verified first so there is no confusion. I figure I can have him fax that later this week.
I also got the two wills in my email this morning. There was one error on MisterMoonbeam’s will - LittleMichigan was listed as his daughter, instead of my daughter. So we sent that change back. We should be getting a message with an appointment to go in and sign them later this week. I need to get DarkKnight’s will done as well somehow - he might have legal services for free as well through work so I am going to have him check on that.
I feel woozy. I finally hole-punched the completed Health Care Proxy & Advanced Directives for all 3 of us, and they’re now in our individual “Get it Together” binders. I also had DarkKnight fax over my name change to my insurance company. I have the change of beneficiary form complete but I want to get the name change verified first so there is no confusion. I figure I can have him fax that later this week.
I also got the two wills in my email this morning. There was one error on MisterMoonbeam’s will - LittleMichigan was listed as his daughter, instead of my daughter. So we sent that change back. We should be getting a message with an appointment to go in and sign them later this week. I need to get DarkKnight’s will done as well somehow - he might have legal services for free as well through work so I am going to have him check on that.