Ignorance or Confusion

Since communication (disconnect) has now escalated further, to being berated and setting demands on me when she and he are together, she has now involved MY partner.

What? Are you saying you decided to go parallel and no contact, but she's still bugging you, demanding things? What demands?

Then she's involving your partner to help her bug you?

If so, there is nothing wrong with a separate, parallel V. Block her number and all other contacts-- email, social media, etc. Inform the HINGE that he can deal with her and all the wackiness. You aren't dating her. You didn't pick her out.

If the hinge doesn't get it together, if he can't keep things separate and drama keeps leaking over onto you, on this side of the V, you might have to drop the hinge, just to be rid of all this.

You are correct! I will not play into any of this! My partner's partner (metamour) is the only one doing the bullying. As I have said, I will not have it. My partner knows this, as well. He was involved by her and he knows that. I respect that he has removed himself from my decision as to how I will move forward.

I will not give her any more energy. I have always believed that I have one relationship and it is with him. Now I also realize this may change everything, based on what priority they communicate to each other.
I don't blame you for putting some distance between you and her. She has stepped way over the line.
Hello again. There has been a strange unfolding of events since my previous posts. It is that time of year again, when my partner is preparing to leave for the call of the adventurous international life.

Although I received an apology from my metamour, I fear it came from my partner's intervention with her. So be it! However, I feel less adequate than ever. But I am realizing that their situation will not change, so mine must. That is not okay, but one must realize when one is all one needs and/or wants.
Hi SkeetScamp,

Thanks for your new update. It sounds like your partner is about to leave to do some traveling, and I am just wondering, has he invited you to travel with him, or is he just going to travel with his other partner, or does he want to travel with both of you?

You are having some feelings of inadequacy. Can you identify the source of those feelings? You are thinking that your situation with you and your partner must change. Do you mean that you are thinking about breaking up with him, or some other kind of change?

I hope things work out for you.

Kevin T.
Hello again. There has been a strange unfolding of events since my previous posts. It is that time of year again, when my partner is preparing to leave for the call of the adventurous international life. Although I received an apology from my metamour, I fear that came from my partner's intervention with her So be it! However, I feel less adequate than ever. But I am realizing that their situation will not change. So mine must. This is not okay, but one must realize when one is all one needs and/or wants.
Do you mean that your partner (let's call him Steve) has just spent six months with you and is now going to spend six months with his other partner (let's call her Ann)?

Why do you feel "less adequate"? How does that play out or feel specifically?

Something else I am confused about: You say you were in an abusive relationship with a narcissist for 50 years? Do you mean you had a narc husband? Did you meet him in your teens? Are you now in your late 60s or 70s, having been in this newer r'ship with Steve for 5+ years?