That is an interesting idea. I don't think either Apple or Banana would be on board with that though. The reno really takes center stage in the conversations.
You can ask and put forth your own ideas for how to handle the renovations. When I did renos, I took a flat just to get out of the way, and not live in the dust and yuck of construction, even though I came to the site daily to check in with the project manager and answer questions.
And gently... If you want to take a time-out year for your wellbeing, you can say you want to do that, and then do it. They don't
have to be on board with it.
You would all live in the main house together as a "three-person yes," not just because Apple and Banana say so, like two people get to decide for the whole group, and then you just have to go with it, with no voice of your own. Everyone gets a vote. You don't
have to vote yes. I get that might sound shocking or scary, if your habit is to be submissive and a "people pleaser." But DANG. Y'all have rental property and OPTIONS. Why not exercise them?
Yeah, we do actually have a lot of options. Our business is also working with houses, so I thought maybe one of our rentals, or reno projects, could act as that stepping stone you mentioned. Again, I think it would be crushing if I suggested it.
Yup. You actually have a LOT of options most poly people don't get. I certainly don't have 10 acres of land and a business working with houses and rentals and things.
Crushing to WHOM? What is terrible about people having some feelings? Y'all are gonna be having them
anyway. It is a transition time for all the dyads, a time of changes.
It could be the other way. Banana could move in with Apple, and YOU could move out to a transition stepping-stone flat. If a rental property is available, YOU can take it while doing the garage remodel. I mean, if you do end up poly-dating down the line, outside of Apple and Banana -- maybe you'd want your
own space to do that in? Don't just think about the next year; think five years out.
You being in the transition rental property, and then later in the garage flat: these arrangements might also ease your stress about accidentally groping people in your sleep, and reduce the relationship pressures in the dyads.
I could be wrong, but to me, y'all sound soooo cooped up together and enmeshed that you are at risk of imploding from the pressure cooker. There is such thing as TOO MUCH togetherness.
If you eventually take the new garage flat, you will still be on the property and nearby, right? It's not far. That's close enough. You just all get a little more elbow room.
If you have been with Apple since you were 16, I think taking one of the rental properties, even if not onsite, m
ight actually be good for you. At least it's worth kicking around with the counselor as an option and to try on in your head, right?
Maybe you'd like to spend a transition year, learning to be on your own two feet, spreading your wings a little, making friends, getting out and about, having people over, doing more of your OWN activities, before coming back to the property onsite in the new garage flat.
Talk to your counselor about whether any codependent things apply here. I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but maybe you want to look into CODA book.
Recovery program for codependence. Find a local or online meeting. If you desire healthy & loving relationships CoDA can help.
This weird middle space is really difficult to exist in though.
Yes, it is challenging and weird. The old normal is gone. The new normal is not here yet.
If it's going to be weird living with Apple right now, or just weird in general, then how about you "PICK your weird"? Maybe try living in a flat on your own during reno, then a garage flat later, giving a wee bit more elbow room to everyone. You can still see each other, share meals, etc.
It's okay to try new things, detangle some, and see what THAT "new weird" is like. You might even like some of it!
I like the idea of writing it all out. I do better that way usually. When I talk I stumble through my thoughts and aggravate people.
Good. Write it down, then. However you do it, speak your truth. Stop shrinking yourself so much.
I am trying and having this space is priceless.
I am glad you are trying, and I'm glad you have this thread, a space for yourself. It's okay for you to take up some SPACE and some ROOM in your own life. It's not like you are only a "supporting cast" character in the "The Life of Apple" or "The Life of Banana."
There IS a thing called "The Life of ShirenTheWanderer."
Wander, even if just a little, by trying on some new ideas in your head. Think about a rental property for a year of reno, then moving to the new flat over the garage.