Update on the importance of sex--Had our first appointment with a poly-friendly couns
So, DavidWebb and I went to see an actually poly-friendly counselor yesterday. How refreshing that she was using terms like “secondary” and “poly” with not so much as a bat of an eyelash. So, in that sense, I felt at home. A friend suggested that a poly-friendly counselor might make DW feel “ganged up on”, but as a therapist myself, I know that this should not be the case. As the recipient of many horrible counseling exchanges, I knew it was possible, though.
We'll have to see what he says, but at first check in, he did not feel that way at all with her (he concurs). It is pretty clear that she didn't gather that DW is not comfortable with poly yet, so she needs to have that clarified! But she did an amazing job gathering a history with a few well chosen questions. And it helps that we are obviously in love and committed to each other!
Anyway, so we talked about the advantages of the relationship with bf, and how his being a survivor fits. DW reflected how he understood a relationship with another survivor would feel safer, and indicated that he knows he can't offer that to me, but he said it in what I thought to be a very defeated way, so I made it very clear that my relationship with him is so much more whole. No, he's never going to be able to understand it all, but he offers me so much more.
Anyway, I got really emotional when going back to January when this all started, remembering the place I was in --I've been feeling closer to that place of late given a series of community tragedies and some other interpersonal struggles, including the termination of one secondary relationship, which though in the long run is most definitely for the best, still has an emotional impact—and it was good to finally be able to have the connection between the sexual abuse, the depression and the entry into polyamory honored. No one was letting me off the hook (which they shouldn't), but no one was pointing fingers either. It felt much safer.
At the end, she asked us to paint a picture of our “worst-case scenario” and what absolutely cannot happen. So that's our homework.
****On the way home (where truthfully we do the best work), DW commented on the point in the session where I said that hitting bottom was very eye-opening for me and I thought “let's do this” (referring to healing myself sexually). His immediate thought was “yeah, let's; YOU and ME”. And it just hurts so much to understand how he feels that way and to not be able to give that to him. Well, maybe I can (go back to being mono), but I don't think it's ever going to look the way either of us would hope if I do.
I don't know how to help him understand that my loving someone else and even being intimate with them, only serves to keep the idea of sex as a positive alive. That was stolen from me for a long time (way too long) and I just want to take it back. It sure as hell isn't his or my fault that we are where we are, but we are. Does that make sense to anyone? ******
I think I'm in a unique position relative to what I've read of others' experiences on here. I certainly didn't repress for years that I was poly, what I did was repress for years that I could be a healthy sexual being. Now, I am, by definition, poly, but do you see how it's not the same? So, in some respects, I think it may be even easier for DW to fall into the trap of thinking that it's because of something about him, either active or passive, that “caused” me to look elsewhere. I know that it's not so. I know that it's about experiences way before he knew me, but he doesn't know that, and I don't know how to show him that it is true.
So, I was very despondent and rather unresponsive Friday night after the session, which of course can feed into the idea that he gets in “trouble” when he shares his real feelings. He's not in the least bit of trouble, I'm just fighting with guilt, and trying to help us move forward. I'm so glad that he felt comfortable sharing that with me and as I told him Saturday, whether he shares it out loud or not, his feelings will find a way to manifest (I know, I know, psychobabble, but I am a therapist and no one can change that either
) so I need to know so that we can heal together.
So there you have it. This is more of an update than anything, so I'm wondering if maybe it should go in the blog. I'm wondering if the blog should be retitled—something like Survivor issues and poly, so that it would be easier to find. I think it's currently titled "ILW2's blog". I don't know how these things work.
If anyone has thoughts questions, or feedback, we're open to that too! I'd particularly love thoughts on the two paragraphs starting with "on the way home". I've starred them to make them easier to find.
Thanks all,