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    Hi Red.
    Greetings from Denmark.
    Read your story (don´t know the right terms to use in forums), all 102 pages of it.
    You seem to have a very nice personality, and so does the people you surround yourself with.
    That is actually the reason i joined this site... I don´t know if I am on the right shelf, so to speak... And I was hoping I could ask you some questions?
    I know exactly how I am feeling (allways did), but I am a little confused about where I belong, and where to go from here.
    Before I am sure of this, I would like it if we could write in privat (don´t know how that works either).
    Gotta go for now, but let me know what you think.

    Kind regards,

    Hi Red,
    Just wanted to thank you for everything! You have been such a help in my journey to understanding myself and my path. You are appreciated!!! :)
    Hi RP,
    My husband finally posted in more detail, yay! He just changed his profile name to Sundance, as we're recently smitten with the Butch Cassidy movie :)
    Thanks for acknowledging him (long paragraphless post, ha) -- he needs to know he is not invisible here. We are really needing community right now. You are always so helpful in that regard, among myriad others.
    Love and thanks,
    We are new to the forum, but after reading a few of your posts we feel much better, like we are not alone out there
    @Mr. It seems to help to have the computer "remember" your password. I have that problem too when I use PN's computer where I don't have my password remembered. On my computer it never logs me out and I figure that is why.
    This might happen to others, so I'm sending it as an open message (to you in your capacity as moderator). If you reply here, please also send me a copy as personal message.
    I have this problem that I keep getting logged out on here. I'm slow at typing, so it takes me a while to get a comment finished - especially if I have to research stuff on Google or include a link.
    And it happens more often than not that when I click on "preview post", I get a message that I have to log in [again]. (At least what I've typed doesn't get lost in the internet ether, which happens on some sites!) Although I've said that I type slowly, and I can also imagine reasons for not leaving someone indefinitely logged in, I think the "attention span" of this site is REALLY short. Is this just my internet connection, or is it your (collective) policy to have such short logged-in-without-activity timing?
    Just joined this site today and came across your profile. See you're from Canada too. Thought I'd post a message, which seems more real than just sending a token friend request. See that you're a moderator, but nor sure about all that entails. Maybe you can point me in whatever direction or directions I could go to surf this forum, and benefit from it. And maybe we can become forum friends too. Good luck to you!
    hi rp..i tried to copy the link but it kept saying it was too long..but the list of speakers and topics is in the section, events here, or under today's posts....and what the heck is a cuddle party!? i love making love..but not that into strangers in my personal space, lol!
    Hi RP. I'm a bit new... I wanted to thank you for sharing your story and posting such thoughtful messages. I really appreciate your commitment to the forum and to your own personal journey. Its honestly inspiring.

    I also especially loved the TED conference(s) that you shared on Invulnerability. They really struck a chord with me. Cheers. :)
    I've been trying to send you messages but I don't think you're getting them..*sigh* I'd love to be your FB friend,so send me a PM when you get a chance! Hope you had a wonderful birthday xx
    Hi, I read your advice to someone and thought it realistic and useful. I am seeing a man who proports to be polyamory and I need some advice. I am on fb and would love to be friends. This is all so new to me but he seems more about remaining married even though most other people would have given up. He is separated and his wife is not into polyamory. I am not sure I am either. I don't really want to put my full name on here though but I have registered so I will see if you reply.
    Responding to your post regarding my post about kidlet's sleep issues. He often sleeps easily at night once he is 'zonked' enough by rocking and holding or walking him around and holding him, but he can't fall asleep any other way - and it can take up to two hours to get him soundly asleep (even though he is giving all the signals he needs it, crying rubbing his eyes, shaking his heads and just plain crabby). I know he may just need to outgrow it, but any light you can shed on this would be hugely appreciated!
    Dear Redpepper,
    Name is Thomas, and would like to be FB Friends. Hope to hear from you.
    Dear redpepper

    I would dearly love to be FB friends with you, but I'm new, I'm Asperger's, and I'm a bit reluctant to expose my direct contact info until I've been around this block a few times. You can find more detail than I originally intended to reveal in my posts in the Introductions section of these forums. I would like to talk with you via email. Have wonderful day, and thanks for reading this.
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