My spidey senses were tingling and I looked up the last time I heard from Leaf. It's been 2 years since i wrote about him.
I got 3 facebook links last year and a happy bday message. I did "boring" responses. "Cool" to the links and "Thanks" to the bday. Acknowledge, but nothing deep. Leaf gets bored then and flits away to bug someone else.
Leaf won't go seek professional care for his bipolar stuff, and it makes him hard to be around when he's unmanaged. This is how I deal with Leaf until he decides to take care of himself better.
Anyway, this is not about Leaf.
This is about my poly friend Eeyore. He's got a different mental illness -- depression. He's doing his usual cycle of "doom, woe is me" + "I'm giving up on dating" circle. Like with Leaf, I say nothing. I try to encourage him to go back to his therapist, and then leave him be. He's gotta figure out when he's ready to make real changes. Nobody can do that for him.
But it led me to reading this series of posts about poly and mental illness. There's not
tons out there written about that intersection but there some and this series was interesting to read.
Other reading
Eeyore is happiest PARTNERED. He so much wants to be one of those white knights in shining armor to rescue the princess. When he picks out dating partners who are only mildly in distress, it works out for a while.
Maybe the distress is temporary and small like having to move apartments and struggling to arrange the movers or friends to help move. Or some sort of car repair trouble. He can help solve those. Then he can feel like a knight because the problems get solved pretty fast and then they date for a while fairly happy.
Until the NRE wears off and the partner wants something more, and realizes that Eeyore has a bucket of unsolved baggage, and he doesn't want to face or solve it... even though it bleeds over into their relationship together.
So then she ends it. Usually from frustration. She realizes it was a good start, but no deep compatibility because he fronts great, but not really all in. He's got some sort of Bluebeard closet. And he won't clean it out no matter how much she asks him to. So she gets frustrated and leaves. Cuz "same old song, different day" gets boring.
Or he ends it because she's poking in his Bluebeard closet and it's getting TOO REAL and he doesn't want to allow himself to be vulnerable in front of her or clean that darn closet. So he bails. And that he did this? He stuffs it under the closet door -- that he came so close to the Real Relationship he secretly wants but then he sabotaged it.
If the thing is a bigger or longer distress like chronic illness? Or struggles with an ex and child custody problems or battles? When goes on and on like that? He doesn't get the high of getting to be the white knight "solver" to buoy him up? And he doesn't have the emotional resilience to go for a long run of up and down uncertainty? He starts to get in a funk, blames the relationship, and dumps the person.
Sometimes they don't even know him long enough to realize that he has a Bluebeard closet. They didn't get that far. It's just that the Bluebeard closet was pressing on him, and he wasn't getting the offset from getting to be the white knight fast enough to buoy him.
So that too gets slipped under the closet door -- that he bails rather than stop to LEARN emotional resilience. And this might have been the Real Relationship he wants, but the Bluebeard closet demands got the best of him.
So he ends up alone. Which
also doesn't make him happy. Cuz the stuff in the Bluebeard closet? Groaning and straining at him and he doesn't have the relationship high to distract him from it.
So here's the newer problems to this Bluebeard Closet Circle Thing.
He's getting older. Women his own age can usually smell the Bluebeard a mile off and don't even want to deal in that. They get suspicious as to what he might be avoiding because he tries too hard to be The Perfect Boyfriend from the get go. Most of them have already clocked at least one marriage, are done raising kids, and want to have FUN living through their retirement without obligations or just latching on to some dude with health issues to play nurse.
Younger women in their 20's that might have been attracted to an older man in his 30's? And maybe young enough not to notice the Bluebeard closet right away because of their inexperience and because back then it was smaller and easier to hide? Well, he's not in his 30s any more. The 20's women aren't gonna be into a dude approaching 60. Watching him try to hit on women in their 20s is hella awkward. We feel embarrassed for him. And he's not stupid. He feels embarrassed too. The 20's might flirt with him but when he walks away they giggle at the Old Man trying to flirt with them. Like he's the butt of a joke.
So... those experience also get slipped under the door.
And that Bluebeard closet is HUGE now.
He thinks he wants to be a secondary in a polyship. Not be the nesting partner. Ok, but what about the Bluebeard Closet, straining and bulging? If he cleaned that out, he'd have a better time waiting to find the right person to be secondary partner to. It's not like poly is gonna solve family of origin issues (he has some), or self-esteem issues (he has some), or the social skills issues (he has some), or... the unmanaged depression. Dude has a laundry list of stuff in that Closet.
Then he thinks he just wants to be alone. Not deal with dating. Ok, but what about the Bluebeard Closet, straining and bulging? if he cleaned that out, he'd have a better time being on his own.
As his friends? We're kinda tired. We've done The Circle Thing with him many times over the years. We're all older. To us it is getting to be "Same old song, different decade." We encourage him to make positive changes and go see a doc.
But for me at least? Because he nods and then never really DOES anything to help himself? It's like the Grey Rock of Friendship.
Make some non-comittal noises at him when he's in a funk, expecting nothing really to change. And just wait until he somewhat un-funks.
Here's the kicker. All of his women friends like me? Ranging in age from 40-60 yrs old? Have at one point or another found him attractive, kind, generous, giving, etc. This includes two women friends who used to date in in the past in poly V's.
He's just
super stingy with loving himself and being kind to himself because he's got this core belief in there somewhere in there that he sucks and nobody likes him. Which is a huge turn off. And he won't follow treatment for his depression. Which is a turn off.
Like there's no shame in having an illness, dude. We all have things. Just do your patient care plan -- see your therapist, do your meds, whatever it is your doc says to DO.
Until he figures that out and cleans out that Bluebeard Closet he has? Nobody wants to date him. Being his friend is hard enough.