Hello! I’m Phenix


New member
Hey there! Newbie alert! 🎉 I’ve been on the hunt for a community that gets it—you know, a place where I can throw all my questions out there without feeling judged. Transitioning from monogamy to polyamory has been a big leap for me, and honestly, I didn’t think I’d feel so unprepared. But deep down, I’ve always known this is where I’d end up—it just feels right. Now it’s time to let go of the past and fully embrace the present. Ready to learn, grow, and enjoy the ride!
Greetings Phenix,
Welcome to our forum. Please feel free to lurk, browse, etc.

Congrats on making the leap from monogamy to polyamory, and you were smart to join Polyamory.com, there is a lot you can learn here. I hope you have a good experience with us, make yourself at home.

Kevin T., "official greeter" :)


There's a *lot* of good info in Golden Nuggets. Have a look!

Please read through the guidelines if you haven't already.

Note: You needn't read every reply to your posts, especially if someone posts in a disagreeable way. Given the size and scope of the site it's hard not to run into the occasional disagreeable person. Please contact the mods if you do (or if you see any spam), and you can block the person if you want.

If you have any questions about the board itself, please private-message a mod and they'll do their best to help.

Welcome aboard!