I really appreciate all the supportive comments, guys. Thank you so much. I'm hurting a lot right now and I don't have a lot of support. I've been avoiding my friends because I don't want to talk to them. If I tell the truth I have to talk about stuff that hurts and I'm not sure I can handle that, and I don't want to lie and say I'm OK when I'm not, so I've just been hiding. I don't have the spoons to check on other people and I have friends who really need checking on. No one is doing okay right now. But I just can't do that. Maybe that makes me an awful person or a terrible friend but I am barely keeping myself together right now.
Kiddo has been having tantrums and I can't blame him, but I try so hard to explain to him that we're here to listen when he wants to talk but he can't just start refusing to do things that have to be done and then freaking out. He's ten years old, he's too old for that kind of thing. But he is definitely my son and he has big feelings too, so this is in character for him. Except now the toll it's exacting on us is much higher. Henry has his autoimmune disorder and stress makes it far worse, so this could literally put him in the hospital which is the one place he absolutely cannot be right now. I'm terrified that he has to go for treatment tomorrow but he absolutely does have to go every six weeks and the idea of him being exposed is so scary because we've been strictly quarantining since 3/14. He is so high risk I am terrified he will catch this and die, or that I will die. Henry reminds me he isn't the only high risk person.
I'm listening to all you guys about Charles but it's so hard to understand because it's so foreign to how I do things. My ex husband used distance as a punishment, and when he felt like being especially cruel, as a torture method. When he got angry, he would ignore me or withdraw affection or go away and just refuse to interact with me at all until I was doing what he wanted me to do. So maybe I'm overreacting to this but it's hitting some major buttons for me. Every day of silence from Charles just ups the pain and starts making me worry that maybe he won't come back after all. If being away from me is alleviating his stress, why would he come back for that? Maybe I have been doing things wrong. Maybe I'm not worth any of it. Maybe he's happier without me. I don't know. And when I don't know, my mind runs rampant.
Even if he did call, I don't even know what we could talk about. The virus is permeating every aspect of our lives right now. I just want him to hold me and he wouldn't be able to. We can't make plans to see each other now for sure until this is over and who knows what will happen then? And I know I can't talk about that stuff yet because we have to see what happens but I am just so fucking scared. I know I would have been a million times better if he was here. Henry thinks, like I think (or at least thought, before all of you chimed in?) that Charles would have felt better too if he had just come and been safe here with us and we could have supported each other. Maybe we are wrong? We need our alone space and down time too but we know we are better together. We can take care of each other.