Why do you use the online name that you use?

My partner called herself "Serendipity". I had no idea there were so many people here that did that kind of work...

My partner called herself "Serendipity". I had no idea there were so many people here that did that kind of work...


I haven't been in that line of work in 11 years. It was something Maca and I agreed I wouldn't continue doing after we got together. But it had it's good points when I was younger.
I got injured in a pole accident, so I haven't been back in a hot minute - but I have EVERY intention in the world of going back. I'm getting back on a good workout routine, and I can't wait to get back into it. It's how HMA and I met! :p

I broke all the stripper rules. lol

My name here is the same as everwhere else TahiraBS Tahira is my First name B for Beth my Middle name and S for Schmidt my married last name. Nothing exciting, exept some people give me funny looks when I say I'm Tahira B.S. ..... heheheheh :D
My handle is taken from the name of the main viking in "the 13th warrior" but it's significance for me comes from when I was much younger playing the video game Everquest in 1998. My brother chose the name because the guy in the movie had a golden retriever, which we had too. So he started a character and I started one on his account called Avalok (short for Avalokiteshvara). Anyhow, I outleveled him because at the time I wasn't doing much but working and smoking weed. So I bought him an account and we ran around on our ogre shamans Bowvine PartyCow and Wykd PartyCow killing dwarves, elves, halflings, humans and half elves. Later he quit the game and I kept playing Bowvine. I've kept it as my internet handle since.
i'm enjoying reading everyones tales/thoughts on coming up with their nicks/handles

i love vampires like Spike from BtVS, I am not into the new sparkle in the sunshine poor me poor me whiny ones around lately, but still uber interested in vampires and most things about or pertaining to vampires so feminized it to vampiress

and cammy came about way back in the day, my first forray online was back in the IRC chat channels/rooms, i needed a nick, my sis used something arthurian, so i tried to think of something similar, all i could think was Camelot, so i shortened and feminized it to cammy, there ya go

by the by Natasia was my stage name back in the day
Let down. :) I've been reading it "vampire-scammy" like a scammin vampire, and I liked it better that way.:)
I play roller derby, it's the more fun side of me so I decided to use it as a new online name. It seems to fit better than some of my past ones.

JonnyAce is actually a newer handle for me, for over a decade i had a different one. in the past few years i've been using JonnyAce, as i feel it depicts me better. My name is jon (truth be told i hate being called jonny out loud), and i've been a poker dealer for over 3 years, and i've also been playng poker for almost a decade.
I'm communeist because I live in an intentional community.

And because I fantasize about living in a communist, socialist, anarchist, compassionate, loving, sex-positive, utopian society.

And because I wanted a new name for twitter and it was the first thing I thought of.
Hey there vampiresscammy, I've also been thinking it was "vampire scammy" or "vampires scammy".

Now I'll have to correct it in my head each time I see it! :p
It's what I fondly utter when I see one of our cats acting their usual "Krazy" self and/or doing something extra cute!! Also, I've been known to be a bit high-strung, so it kinda fits my personality at times . Also, one of my favorite artists is Louis Wain, who only drew cats (see avatar pic)... :D
Seventh Crow...that gave me shivers, thanks.

Ok I'm still catching up here but my screen name comes from the lush, colorful and redemptive story "The Rainbow Goblins" by Ul de Rico.

Indigo was the leader of the goblins, sneaky creatures who lassoed rainbows and gorged themselves on their colors until their greed and gluttony eventually did them in.

My usual screen name is 'Indigos Child' but that handle was taken on this site. I learned my lesson from Indigo, gorge but be not overly greedy or you will surely drown yourself in your own gluttony.

Point taken.
I like the double meaning but it was the lyrical story that first caught my attention many years ago :)
Mine is, if I remember back that far, the original online name I used before http was around. Back in the ole bbs days. I used this one for probably 10 years before I picked my other handle which I have used since.

Both I picked the same way, I would pick up a book I enjoyed throw it in the air, wherever it landed I would pick a word off of the page. Ariakas was a character in a fantasy novel if I remember right, more than likely Dragonlance considering the age I picked the name at.
Mine is what I try to give, really: love from this girl.
I've got several actually

tj6james6--names and ages of my kids when I got my first email address. This one's very good if you want to remain androgenous. Saves on the HNG's especially when I was using MSN chat rooms.
Sprin2Life--given to me by a BDSM mentor some years ago, means spring to life
Breathes' girl, Breathesgirl, Breathes_girl, for many years Sir's msn nic was Breathes through his ears ( he likes to munch for hours on end, use your imagination, lol) & I'm His girl.
Hoshi is only one of my handles

Hoshi Akuma is a mix of two things: Hoshi is the name of a family in a game called Legend of the Five Rings. They are tattoed monks that forsake their families to enlighten themselves at a wandering mountain. Akuma is from Street Fighter and ill get into that in the next screen name. I use this Moniker in Amtgard as well. PM me if u would like to know what Amtgard is.

Akumakoko is another: Akuma again is from Street Fighter and I've always liked playing him. But when i was creating a screen name for the first time my Best friend said "U can't just pick a characters name. Add something to it like koko" I said " Ok like C-O-C-O-A" He said "no like K-O-K-O so it's original." And thus stuck.
poiesis is ancient greek for the exstasy of creation, that moment which something leaves its position as one thing and becomes another. . . .

hagakure is japanese for 'behind the leaves.' I feel together they are a very accurate description of life. There's a lot of beauty behind the leaves, a lot of change, a lot of beauty & momentum if you're just looking ...