Why do you use the online name that you use?

Mine is a nickname from childhood given me by my dad derived from my name-Rachel. He has a "special" sense of humor and was not about to call me something as unsatisfying as "Rach" that could not be said in an ironic tone of voice. :)

Geez, I wouldn't use my childhood name given to me by my father.... it ends in "dumps" as in "dumpy" as in my Welsh Dad thought I was fat. Cute, but not the image I would want to portray... as I said all my nick names are cute in real life, although not necessarily about being chubby.
I usually use the name Incursus. I spotted it whilst flicking through a Latin dictionary once and I was immediately taken with the sound of the word. Whilst I then read that it meant 'attack', 'assault', or 'onslaught' didn't matter to me by then. I was already in love with the sound of the word.

However, when creating a username for here I didn't think that something that meant attack or assault seemed appropriate - at least it didn't sit well in my head for somewhere where people are being so emotionally open - so I decided to go with another Latinised name and went with Argent, from the latin argentum meaning silver.

Again, no particular reason, I just liked the sound of the word. :)
Gator, yeah, well that's easy. I was tagged with this ridiculous nom de guerre by my ignorant friends (all two of them) up north who still insist that Florida is nothing but a fetid, primordial swamp bustling with savage crocodilians. Well, if they think the reptile population is in overabundance here then maybe they should pay a visit to Louisiana!

So why do I use it? I guess I've gotten used to it over the years and besides, it's easy to spell!
I use glowinthedarkstars because they are well awesome. when its dark out you can see thier beauty even more. I love things that glow.

Plus the glow in the dark stars you can stick on walls and ceilings just make you feel kinda safe and happy when you look at them.
LOL. Wow it's fascinating to read everyone's thought processes in choosing screen names.

My name is not all that interesting I suppose. Eros is the Greek God of Love/Erotic Passion. And Erosa is the female form of the word; it also interestingly enough means 'substance pertaining to Eros'. 0_0

I guess I'm... an erotic secretion????????:eek::eek::eek:
cool greenearthal!

I should of called myself "absoultejoy!" I have always wanted people to say that at my funeral, "she was an absolute joy" that and that I was a fantastic cook.... LOL, mostly because I am far from either and that would be really funny :D

What I would want them to say is that I hate for people to be sad and that I would want them to say I am an absolute joy because it would make them smile in knowing that I was not always! :cool::D heh.
I had an abortion years ago. I named the baby I didn't keep Radiance.
When I started by gift boutique I called the business Loving Radiance.
The first time I got on a message board-I used the business email to do so-and they called me LR.
It stuck. ;)
Not really sure. I used it when i was younger and i have no imagination anymore so i just use it. Seems kind of silly for me to use nowadays though.
I had an abortion years ago. I named the baby I didn't keep Radiance.
When I started by gift boutique I called the business Loving Radiance.
The first time I got on a message board-I used the business email to do so-and they called me LR.
It stuck. ;)

I had a second semester miscarriage a couple of years ago. She was born dead, in march, when the garden was full of trilliums. I named her "Merry" and buried her under the trilliums. I see her everyday as I walk to the car. I cry for the loss of her almost weekly still. My beautiful baby girl. I couldn't bring myself to replace her... still, you've made me think I should honour her by using her name somehow.
Pitt because I live in the greater pittsburgh area.
And druid because I was taught the druid craft from my great-grandmother who was born and raised in Ireland.
Violet is my stripper name! My favorite stage name I've used so far. :D It fits me SOOO well. It just sorta started getting used all over the place. I usually go by "PerfectViolet", because HMA's nickname for me is Perfect.
Violet is my stripper name! My favorite stage name I've used so far. :D It fits me SOOO well. It just sorta started getting used all over the place. I usually go by "PerfectViolet", because HMA's nickname for me is Perfect.

LOL Mine was Kelliese. When I act certain ways GreenGecko will ask me "kelliese coming out?" Kind of funny how that works.
LOL Mine was Kelliese. When I act certain ways GreenGecko will ask me "kelliese coming out?" Kind of funny how that works.

LOL, HMA and I do this all the time. I'll act a certain way and it's "Oh, there's Violet! Haven't seen her in a while..." :D