Forum upgraded - report issues in here

- All users with zero posts were deleted. We had over 270,000 users with zero posts, virtually all were spammers that were created over the last years. These accounts were used to login months or years later to then suddenly send spam messages. Any real user can simply re-register. This should eliminate a lot of spam, as our new registration system should be a lot stricter.
Only us newbies will see this, from the top of the page:

"{musername}, as a new member your first 5 posts will be subject to moderation."

{musername} probably not was meant.
Every URL I enter, I am getting, "502 Bad Gateway, nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)"
Okay, the problem seems to have gone away.
I really like the new forum. It is a very nice upgrade. On my end, I am noticing the pages are loading slowly, but I am wondering if that is on our end and our wifi and/or internet modem needs to be reset.
I really like the new forum. It is a very nice upgrade. On my end, I am noticing the pages are loading slowly, but I am wondering if that is on our end and our wifi and/or internet modem needs to be reset.

Nope, not just you. It's ridiculously slow for mostly text only webpages.
The site is working, but it's loading really slow on my computer as well.
Okay, now it seems to be working normally.
My observation as well - the site was definitely running slow this morning and last night - but seems to be back to normal now. Thanks, tech team! :)
I may be missing something, but is there a way to look at latest unread posts, rather than the latest post?
It's running better, but I wouldn't say super fast. Some links load faster than others.
Still slow as continental drift for me. And Xfinity supposedly just made our internet faster. All my other websites are loading nominally fast.