Active member
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!
I'm thinking of you!It's Christmas, and pretty damn quiet here because we don't have parents, siblings or kids to entertain.
Today, I had butterflies when I woke up. I'm excited today to be going to the US. It's a 180° change from how I was feeling yesterday. Does everyone go through this when first closing the gap on an LDR? The doubt, the sense of wanting independence on a holiday, the excitement?
I'm scared of the first kiss. That it will feel rushed or in some other way inauthentic. I'm scared of delaying it because we are so short of time.
On another note, I'm watching a movie with Kathryn Hahn and Kate Hudson and they are aging spectacularly (as in, I see wrinkles and I love it).
My Christmas pavlova was a fail... let's hope the pasta goes better.
You're being a good daughter!I've sorted out my parents' banking. There's still a bit of work to be done on budgeting, but the damn credit card is cancelled now so the ridiculous scams can stop taking money out.
I'm sick. Started with allergies, became a sinus infection, seems to be a bit generalised now. I cancelled a catch up with a friend tonight and am currently lying in bed feeling like crap. It's not even 8:30.
I hope I'll be able to drive home tomorrow.