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You could stay away from triads (throuples). You can more easily and happily be the hinge in a V. That is, you are dating two people (or maybe more) who aren't dating each other. This is much less complicated, and you don't need to worry about an established couple trying to force you to stay in your lane and follow their rules.
I get a lot of people new to polyamory insisting that they must date together, or meet people together, because it "will be less complicated." I see this in comments on social media, on dating app profiles, on couple's profiles on social media (that black and red one that starts with an F...
Just because you are a polyamorous female does not mean you have to date couples/unicorn hunters. Especially if you are young and new to poly-dating, trying to manage to date two members of a couple is extremely hard.
And you don't need to date people whose other partner(s) are not okay with their poly-dating, and try to take it out on you, villainize you.
I am sure you get hit on a lot on dating sites. I had to learn to be extremely discriminating. I carefully questioned everyone who wanted to date me, while just chatting online, and then, if they did rate a first date, I'd question them more. Out of the many dozens, eventually hundreds of men I chatted with, I only maybe went on dates with 2 dozen, and few of those guys got a second or third date.
(I did date a few women and transpeople too, as I am pansexual. The first woman I met in 2009 I am still with. I got real lucky out of the gate. Finding a good guy with real staying power took me until 2021. He was worth the wait.)
I dumped so many men after a third date because it would go like this (or something else sucky):
Me (in chat and on first date): I am poly, ENM. I do not want just one partner. I have a gf already and I'd like one male partner too. But I'd be open to more...
Him: I am poly. I am single right now and dating two other women (besides you). I do not want to be married and I don't want to be a dad.
Me: Sounds good.
2nd date, we have sex.
3rd date, he decides to dump anyone else he was dating and go exclusive with one of the other woman (who even had a kid). Or, he'd ghost me. If I followed up, he'd say the other woman wanted him to herself. One guy actually met me for a third date, broke the news about the other woman, breaking up with me, but asking if we could have one more sex session before he left. Classy. (Of course I said no, get out.)