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  • Hey Mon,
    I really really enjoyed meeting you. We are going to have alot of fun in Aug. Thanks for bringing RP to meet LR. It meant alot to LR. LR is dead set that she is getting her motorcycle Lic before we get there. She wants to ride in front of you ( she likes to tease guys with the way a womans ass looks on a bike) . Dam she is hot !! hahah . More later bro,

    Hello. I got your PM but I can not open it on site. :/ I did read it in the email. Thank you. - was feeling a little blue tonight and being asked to be your freind made me smile. :D.
    heya brother,
    I need you to PM me your address. LR and I are planning our trip to see you :)
    Yep, got the invite, thought I had clicked accept & didn't realize that the profile pic had to change colour/darken, whatever. Learn something new every day I guess, lol.
    FINALLY! I got the notification last week, thought I had accepted it while mobile, guess I was wrong, lol. Glad to be here :)
    LR is doing OK. We have another appointment on the 23rd. She had a MRI and now we just have to figure out if they want to try another shot first or just go for surgery. I hate the thought of anyone cutting on her but she cant live this way forever.
    Your killing me Mono:) If I get my way LR and I will come down in the spring when it warms up. Not sure I want to ride my bike that far though. May have to buy a cruiser. Im really partial to the Triumph Rocket 3 tour edition. You should google it:)
    :) Hi Mono. No worries about posting to that guy. I'm new to the forum but I thought that even hearing other people's ideas can help you find what's right for you. *shrug*

    You have a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing them with me. :)
    Nah, I live in the US more specifically, Colorado
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