Havent slept a night through in about 2 weeks now.
Torn up about my lost love, I have tried to articulate how awful I felt when we argued and how her words have the power to stab me in the heart like a knife, and then get twisted.
She is on my mind nearly 24/7. I hope we will rekindle in the future with therapy thrown in for us both.
I managed 6 hours which is slightly better than any night in the last two weeks. This breakup sucks. We are still friends and whatsapp each day a few times. I will be strong and wait and see. I am doing self caring, i am exercising loads, reading, and my friends are being wonderful. I have gone over my wrong doings in my head and they are many. The thing is that when i am spoken to very sharply, I get cut deep, especially by someone who i have trusted to look after me.