I guess you could tell Cookie you felt lonely the last two nights. One night you were alone while they had their periods. Well okay. Maybe it was nice to have some girl bonding during heavy bleeding time.
The following night you still felt lonely because you were pressed against Pumpkin's back all night. Maybe you could ask Cookie if she'd be okay with always falling asleep in the middle, when sharing a bed with both of you, because you feel better actually sleeping next to her. That way you could embrace her. Maybe she'd even roll over for part of the night and embrace you. That's just good hinge behavior.
It's early days and we all need training wheels sometimes. It's all still wobbly. The old normal is gone and the new normal isn't here yet.
You could set a fairly firm bed-sharing routine. Bluebird on here lives with her two men (and has a bf who doesn't live with them). At least with the two guys at home, there is a set rotation of with whom Bluebird sleeps. The men never share a threesome bed with her, so if she's with a guy, he's got her to himself. But they have had to get used to nights alone, as well.
The following night you still felt lonely because you were pressed against Pumpkin's back all night. Maybe you could ask Cookie if she'd be okay with always falling asleep in the middle, when sharing a bed with both of you, because you feel better actually sleeping next to her. That way you could embrace her. Maybe she'd even roll over for part of the night and embrace you. That's just good hinge behavior.
It's early days and we all need training wheels sometimes. It's all still wobbly. The old normal is gone and the new normal isn't here yet.
You could set a fairly firm bed-sharing routine. Bluebird on here lives with her two men (and has a bf who doesn't live with them). At least with the two guys at home, there is a set rotation of with whom Bluebird sleeps. The men never share a threesome bed with her, so if she's with a guy, he's got her to himself. But they have had to get used to nights alone, as well.