When you feel jealous what do you do about it?
For me, it's usually because I don't think the person who is the object of my jealousy (a new dating partner of my husband's) has spent enough time and energy getting to know me and respecting my place in my husband's life. I need to feel that their intentions are honorable and that my husband respects that I am first when he starts a new relationship. If the new person makes an effort and I can see it, then I am usually very giving of letting go of my husband's time with me.
Even if they are obviously having a hard time approaching me and talking to me, I am willing to take that as an effort. I am not always that easy to approach, as I am very confident, intuitive, and I trust that in myself. I am clear to the point of being blunt about what I think. I am very passionate about my beliefs around certain topics, Most of all, I am very protective of my husband's heart. I have seen it damaged and will raise hell, if necessary, if anyone hurts him again.
I go with my gut a lot. Sometimes I get jealous when I just don't think the person is good enough to be in our lives. They have to be worth the effort. If I think they aren't, and my husband thinks they are, I get enraged.
I do a lot of checking in with my body and where my feelings sit, for every emotion, really, but for jealousy, especially. I know myself well enough that if certain areas of my body are affected then it's for a certain reason.
Sometimes, just being rational is all it takes to realize what is going on. For instance, my co-worker went on her third trip overseas this year, not to mention all the little trips she's done. Her husband works for an airline company and gets free stand-by tickets to anywhere they want to go. I have not been on holiday out of province, let alone off this island, in years!!! I am fiercely jealous and dread her coming home with her stupid pictures of her stupid trip.
Grrrr... I may be sick that day, just so you know. Don't tell my boss, k?
One last thing, there are several threads on this topic. Look back or do a search, because they are gold!