Poly Vignettes: Sharing Success & Happiness

Yay for rebuilt friendships!

I feel bad for asking, but ... is this trauma you spoke of something that a lot of people would know about? cause I'm really bad at following the news.

Anyway I'm glad your semi-ex was there for you in your time of need.
Yay for rebuilt friendships!

I feel bad for asking, but ... is this trauma you spoke of something that a lot of people would know about? cause I'm really bad at following the news.

Anyway I'm glad your semi-ex was there for you in your time of need.

It was on the news in Utah. I know it was covered in the Salt Lake Tribune. It relates to something that happened at Element Eleven, the Utah Regional Burning Man. I'm not sure if it hit national news. I've been avoiding following it in the news because I don't want to see pictures of what happened, since I didn't see what happened in person, since I was turned away from the fire when it happened.
Okay, I've read up on it a little and have a basic idea of what happened. Pretty shocking and I can see how it would leave people traumatized afterwards. I hope you find your own peace about it as I do any others who were there.
Although my intro to poly has been super challenging and emotionally exhausting and sometimes feels impossible... I have had some really lovely moments lately.

My metamor (my boyfriend's wife) came up with a really cute nickname for me the other day. They have cute pet names for one another, and now there is one that they both call me and seems really special.

My boyfriend bought me a pair of earrings the other day (I have never gotten a piece of jewelry from a boyfriend before) and the second time I went to put them on I dropped one down my sink drain and I burst into tears. My metamor came over and fetched it out of the plumbing under the sink for me!

The other night when the bf stayed over and we FINALLY got a morning to sleep in together, my daughter came and crawled in bed with us and I was in the middle of the cuddle sandwich and it was the best feeling.
Here's a small vignette: Brother-Husband and I watched two *really bad/cheezy* movies together yesterday on his second day off. (Snowbunny was away for several hours, so she missed out.) We'll be having fun making fun of those movies for some time into the future, I think. :)

I think the titles were, "Prison Women," and "Sharknado." (The only thing worse than a tornado is a tornado full of sharks! :D)
It seems like I've come on here a lot to ask for advice or talk about things that I'm struggling with. I don't want to leave the impression that my relationship with Bud and Sweet Lady isn't a happy one. I've never been happier in my life than I've found myself to be the last few months. That happiness is because of Bud and Sweet Lady. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect union than I have with these two wonderful people.

Yes, emotions have come up that took me by surprise but it has never once made me question if what we are doing is right. Over the weekend Sweet Lady asked if she could take our girls to the pool. We let them go with her without a single doubt or need for discussion. This is HUGE for Bud and I. We have a very short list of people who are allowed to have our children without one of us present. Most of the family isn't even allowed to.
Here's a small vignette: Brother-Husband and I watched two *really bad/cheezy* movies together yesterday on his second day off. (Snowbunny was away for several hours, so she missed out.) We'll be having fun making fun of those movies for some time into the future, I think. :)

I think the titles were, "Prison Women," and "Sharknado." (The only thing worse than a tornado is a tornado full of sharks! :D)

There is a Sharknado 2 now, if you're interested. It's even cheesier.
Cheesier? How's that even possible? ;)
Open Happiness

Happy Wednesday!

After an amazing 2 yr journey our PolyFi Quad is now officially out to our families and close friends. It took us a while for all of us to agree that we need to share who we are but over time became more and more difficult to hold onto the secret.

We were convinced that the people who love us will always love us no matter what and... we were absolutely right! The news indeed shocked everyone but we were also greeted with jubilation that our situation is so ideal.

It's an amazing feeling being completely open about who you are with the people you love. Despite the sad "coming out" stories I have read on this forum we are proof that it can indeed work out perfectly.

Anyone who reads my blog on here knows I've had ups and downs with this whole poly thing, because all involved are still kind of feeling their way through it.

But I'm fortunate to have three men who are not only okay with but fully supportive of the situation and of me. Communication with all three is completely open and honest, and all of them work with me to make sure everyone's comfortable. When I have bumps with one, if I feel like I can't talk to him, I can talk to the other two and they help me figure it out so I can address it with the one I need to address it with. And all of them keep me informed of how they're feeling and what they need, and if they have problems with me or the situation, so we can talk it out.

I'm feeling kinda emotional in a good way about that today, so I just wanted to share.
Had a bit of a meltdown the other day. And he just kept saying, It'll be okay. And this morning, after our talk, he kept the video screen up so that he could "watch over me like he always did."
Awww ...

He knows you well; he knows just what to do.

Feeling so happy and contented.

Lotus has been in our lives for just over a year now, and I am so pleased with how natural and easy expanding our "chosen family" has evolved. Not to say that there haven't been "speed-bumps" - but nothing that honest conversation hasn't been able to overcome. No-one creating unnecessary drama. Everybody assuming "good faith" efforts. Feelings happen ...and are addressed.

Dude is spending the weekend with Lotus at her house while her husband, TT, is out of town. This is the first "alone" weekend for them. I just got off the phone with them finalizing plans for a concert that the 5 of us (me, Dude, MrS, Lotus and TT) are going to next month - and am feeling just SOOOO comfortable with how our lives intertwine.

The boys have been working on the old house, getting ready for us to sell it. Dude has been researching the purchase of our next vehicle - my car is 13 yrs old and requiring more maintenance than it's worth. Our finances are in order and, when we ever manage to sell the old house, will be on track for my early retirement 10-15 years down the road.

I'm just...happy.;)
Boo-Muffin and I went grocery shopping together a few days ago, with the intent of us making dinner plans for our houses (I live a few miles away).

Boo-Cake came home from work a few hours later. He's working 2 1/2 hours away, and only comes home maybe 2 days out of the week. Promptly after coming home and greeting us both, he took us out to dinner, and then to the movies. He said that he was so happy to see us, and it was more than clear to Boo-Muffin and I, just from the look on his face.

It sounds pretty plain and simple, but the "our time" that we spend together is really what holds the spark for me, and why I've been so happy. And seeing Boo-Cake light up like a Christmas tree upon seeing us always helps. <3

.:{* Nooshin*}:.
Awww ...

He knows you well; he knows just what to do.

Indeed he does. We normally just sign off, but he has just watched me sleep for hours before when he can (I can tell because the chat log shows the call lasted for two hours or so after I fell asleep).

But normally, we just sign off. This was definitely because I was in a particularly vulnerable place.
Crappy day dealing with the bank. I get back from the bank and my partner is talking to our girlfriend on the phone. And I hear him saying, "...and she's had a rough day and I wanted to spoil her a little tonight and hoping you could help."

I heart being poly. How awesome an exchange is that to come home to?
A little tale about our international polyfamily

We have been a polyamorous couple for a year now. I live with my husband in Norway and travel about 1 week a month to my boyfriend in Turkey - I work on my studies while he works there. Husband has joined me there for vacation twice; Easter and Summer. Then all 3 of us lived together for one week. The most time I spent with my boyfriend was 22 days - then I started to feel like I lived there for real, and so hard to leave! Because of the distance there is a lot of online-contact and Skype, but for an international relationship we see each other a lot.

My husband and boyfriend really click on a friendship level. They are in contact online, on the phone and so on, they relate to oneanother sort of like brothers or inlaws. The first time I visited, they had worked together on my birthday present :) They are somwhat alike (husband says in many ways my boyfriend remind him of a younger version of himself), which sometimes mean that they gang up on me a little, but mostly it is just very nice :) Some of my favourite memories have been the three of us going to restaurants together. Especially the last visit in summer, I really felt a special poly vibe. I love each of them individually so much, yet seeing both of them makes my heart so very big.

My best memories from staying with my boyfriend in Turkey is when we visited his childhood town to live with his family and go sightseeing in the area. Also, going on boat trips and celebrating our 6 months and 1 year aniversery - and attending a wedding together.

We talk a lot about the future now. We have met some critique, but we are determent to stay together and to not let people interfere with our "special relationship". We both have stretched our econoomy so that we can live together in Turkey. He is about to finish his education, then take military, then we will see what happens. But we have talked about the possability of him coming to live 1 month with us on a Tourist visa in Dec/Jan, and possably later he can get at Student visa to come study here. I am taking Turkish classes, he wants to learn Norwegian. My life at the moment is a bit nomadic, but I discovered I actually like it - I came out of a long period of sickness when I met him, so travelling feels like a breath of fresh air. I want to get work that will allow me to travel for as long as I need it. I love the fact that we have a flat together in Turkey, that is so different than staying in hotels.

He has told lots of friends and part of his family, we are in the process of telling friends. I am not quite sure how to phraze it to my family, but I think they should know, too. I feel like a bit of a coward for not telling everyone yet... At the same time, perhaps now is the time, when the relationship is become very stable. I am hoping that will give me the energy I need to tell them what perhaps is strange and not so good news to them, but still very important information about how we live our life now. He might end up living in Norway, who knows. We can't hold back forever, to me that is not sincere, I want the openness and honesty.

One thing we are curious about, is how we will do things with kids. Me and my husband posphoned kids because of my sickness, but in a couple of years now we want to start breeding. I am not sure how boyfriend comes into that. I would really want kids with him, also any kids I get will affect him too. We really want him to be part of the decition making process with kids. They are equal partners to me, they are my family, I love them both so much.