A little tale about our international polyfamily
We have been a polyamorous couple for a year now. I live with my husband in Norway and travel about 1 week a month to my boyfriend in Turkey - I work on my studies while he works there. Husband has joined me there for vacation twice; Easter and Summer. Then all 3 of us lived together for one week. The most time I spent with my boyfriend was 22 days - then I started to feel like I lived there for real, and so hard to leave! Because of the distance there is a lot of online-contact and Skype, but for an international relationship we see each other a lot.
My husband and boyfriend really click on a friendship level. They are in contact online, on the phone and so on, they relate to oneanother sort of like brothers or inlaws. The first time I visited, they had worked together on my birthday present
They are somwhat alike (husband says in many ways my boyfriend remind him of a younger version of himself), which sometimes mean that they gang up on me a little, but mostly it is just very nice
Some of my favourite memories have been the three of us going to restaurants together. Especially the last visit in summer, I really felt a special poly vibe. I love each of them individually so much, yet seeing both of them makes my heart so very big.
My best memories from staying with my boyfriend in Turkey is when we visited his childhood town to live with his family and go sightseeing in the area. Also, going on boat trips and celebrating our 6 months and 1 year aniversery - and attending a wedding together.
We talk a lot about the future now. We have met some critique, but we are determent to stay together and to not let people interfere with our "special relationship". We both have stretched our econoomy so that we can live together in Turkey. He is about to finish his education, then take military, then we will see what happens. But we have talked about the possability of him coming to live 1 month with us on a Tourist visa in Dec/Jan, and possably later he can get at Student visa to come study here. I am taking Turkish classes, he wants to learn Norwegian. My life at the moment is a bit nomadic, but I discovered I actually like it - I came out of a long period of sickness when I met him, so travelling feels like a breath of fresh air. I want to get work that will allow me to travel for as long as I need it. I love the fact that we have a flat together in Turkey, that is so different than staying in hotels.
He has told lots of friends and part of his family, we are in the process of telling friends. I am not quite sure how to phraze it to my family, but I think they should know, too. I feel like a bit of a coward for not telling everyone yet... At the same time, perhaps now is the time, when the relationship is become very stable. I am hoping that will give me the energy I need to tell them what perhaps is strange and not so good news to them, but still very important information about how we live our life now. He might end up living in Norway, who knows. We can't hold back forever, to me that is not sincere, I want the openness and honesty.
One thing we are curious about, is how we will do things with kids. Me and my husband posphoned kids because of my sickness, but in a couple of years now we want to start breeding. I am not sure how boyfriend comes into that. I would really want kids with him, also any kids I get will affect him too. We really want him to be part of the decition making process with kids. They are equal partners to me, they are my family, I love them both so much.